Try These Points

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Head injury or pain

Acupressure points to use on your way to medical treatment after injuring your head or from persistent acute head pain


Apply deep, probing pressure with fingertip, knuckle or soft-pointed object, such as a pencil eraser.

WARNING: Please consider seeking urgent medical attention if you are experiencing severe symptoms (in the U.S.A., call 911 for emergency help)

Acupoint 7: LU-7

Clasp your hands together (A), touching your upper wrist with your forefinger; the point is found on a line with the thumb, in a small depression (B); remembering the position of the point, unclasp your hands and apply pressure

TCM: Lung 7

Acupoint 8: LI-11

Bend your arm, hand to shoulder, and place your finger on the end of the crease on the outside of the arm; open your arm and stimulate the point

TCM: Large Intestine 11

Acupoint 3: SJ-5

Two thumb widths above the outside of the wrist, lined up with the middle finger

TCM: Triple Warmer 5

Acupoint 6: St-36

One palm width below the bottom edge of the kneecap, on the outside, in a depression between the shinbone and the leg muscle; effective for most problems from the waist down, especially when used with acupoint #5

TCM: Stomach 36

Acupoint 2: Pc-6

Two thumb widths from the largest crease on the inside wrist; the point is between the tendons in the middle of the wrist

TCM: Pericardium 6

Acupoint 10: LU-11

Just behind the thumbnail, on the side opposite the fingers

TCM: Lung 11

Acupoint 1: LI-4

Squeeze thumb and forefinger together, forming a ridge above the thumb; the point is in the middle of that ridge, just above the end of the crease formed by thumb and forefinger; good for most problems from the waist up

TCM: Large Intestine 4

Acupoint 11: HE-7

On the largest crease of the inner wrist, on a line with the little finger

TCM: Heart 7

Acupoint 34: SJ-14

On the tip of the shoulder; pick up your arm and look for the a dimple toward the back of the shoulder.; put your finger in the dimple, lower your arm and begin stimulation

TCM: Triple Warmer 14

Acupoint 21: Kd-1

In the middle of the sole of the foot, just behind the ball

TCM: Kidney 1

Acupoint 27: (shoulder)

Slightly to the back of the muscle which goes from neck to shoulder, a little closer to the arm than to the neck

TCM: Not available

If you have not found relief, try the same points on the opposite side of the body, or go back and try a related or similar symptom or body area. If you have not used acupressure before, please see the Instructions, then click the "Body Area" or "A-Z" tab and repeat.

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