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Acupressure points for sore Throat and other throat symptoms

Apply deep, probing pressure with fingertip, knuckle or soft-pointed object, such as a pencil eraser.

Acupoint 10: LU-11

Just behind the thumbnail, on the side opposite the fingers

TCM: Lung 11

Acupoint 7: LU-7

Clasp your hands together (A), touching your upper wrist with your forefinger; the point is found on a line with the thumb, in a small depression (B); remembering the position of the point, unclasp your hands and apply pressure

TCM: Lung 7

Acupoint 3: SJ-5

Two thumb widths above the outside of the wrist, lined up with the middle finger

TCM: Triple Warmer 5

Acupoint 14: LU-5

On the crease of the inside of the elbow, on the thumb side

TCM: Lung 5

Acupoint 1: LI-4

Squeeze thumb and forefinger together, forming a ridge above the thumb; the point is in the middle of that ridge, just above the end of the crease formed by thumb and forefinger; good for most problems from the waist up

TCM: Large Intestine 4

Acupoint 12: LU-9

On the largest crease of the inner wrist, on a line with the thumb

TCM: Lung 9

Acupoint 33: Kd-3

Behind the inner anklebone, on a line between the crown and the tip of the heel; often used in combination with acupoint # 36

TCM: Kidney 3

Acupoint 36: Gb-35

Two palm widths plus one thumb width above the outer ankle bone, just behind an imaginary vertical line from the tip of the ankle bone; often used in combination with acupoint #33

TCM: Gallbladder 35

Acupoint 37: LI-1

On the index finger, just above the nail, on the side closest to the thumb

TCM: Large Intestine 1

If you have not found relief, try the same points on the opposite side of the body, or go back and try a related or similar symptom or body area. If you have not used acupressure before, please see the Instructions, then click the "Body Area" or "A-Z" tab and repeat.

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